Benno and the Parliament of Wild Animals

Hartmut Sannecke presents his first novel for children and young adults:
An Exciting Time Travel Through 150 Years of German History

With Illustrations by David Saakashvili


Berlin, April 2023 +++

Press talk at the Leipzig Book Fair #lbm23
Benno and the Parliament Wild Animals

Friday, 28.04.2023, 11:00 to 12:00, CEST

Hall 4, Stand A 204-206

Frank von Wunderbar (Publisher) with Author Hartmut Sannecke

Media contact:

Jutta Tarlan
Niedenau 4
60325 Frankfurt/M.
0171 703 19 88

Press image Download


What it’s about:
German history, from the founding of the German empire, through the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, the divided Germany, to reunification, is portrayed in Hartmut Sannecke’s debut novel. What is special about the novel:
Not humans are the political movers and shakers, but wild animals from all continents.

In 2006, the teenager Benno embarks on an adventurous journey to Berlin. During the soccer fever at the final game, he is taken by a mysterious ‘Helmut Löwe’ with many puzzle pieces on a journey of discovery through the capital.Hidden letters and messages lead him through the alternate history of Germany, from the empire to parliamentary democracy.

A magical map, which runs through the novel like a common thread, vividly illustrates how Germany and its neighboring countries have developed over the past century and a half.

Former Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth writes in the foreword:
“To enable children and young people to understand historical contexts, in order to make better decisions together for the future – that’s what I call successful political education. And how nice when, as in this book, it’s also fun.”

Hartmut Sannecke, born in 1963, lives in Berlin and works in ‘normal’ life as a manager who supports companies in implementing change and transformation processes. With his first novel “Benno und das Parlament der wilden Tiere” (Benno and the Parliament of the Wild Animals), he wants to convey to children, young people and also adults how exciting and entertaining German history was and is.

The book complements history lessons and helps young and old alike to familiarize themselves with German history.

The novel for young people will be published in German on April 27, 2023, to coincide with the Leipzig Book Fair by WunderbarMedia: Publishing

Softcover, 244 pages 19,80 €
ISBN 978-3867229371

We are pleased to announce the publication of the new book “Benno and the Parliament of Wild Animals” by Hartmut Sannecke. This wonderful children’s book tells the story of Benno and his adventures in the Parliament of Wild Animals.

Full of mystery and tension, this story takes young readers on a journey of discovery and learning. Along the way, Benno learns about German history and also to respect friendship as well as loyalty.

This book is sure to be a highlight for children and adults alike. With its vibrant illustrations, engaging story, and positive messages, “Benno and the Parliament of Wild Animals” is sure to capture the hearts of readers of all ages.

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